Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Day with Handstand productions (27/6/2019)

Original session outline
 The day began with an introduction to Handstand Productions; they introduced themselves. We then split into two groups of five to work as a small camera team with the equipment that Handstand productions brought in. 
Filming in classroom
 We switched roles through the task which gave us a more in depth look into the camera roles. We filmed multiple scenes with teachers and student talking about the day. The two scenes my group filmed in the classroom had the two teachers talking about the day.
Filming group in corridor
Before break we filmed in the corridor with Liam as the the subject in the doorway. After break we pitched our advert ideas to Jane and Han who gave feedback.

During pitching the camera was also filming: each student, present, pitched their idea- discussing the camera shots, idea, budget and other factors involved in the advert like graphics or animation. After the class-involving Han and Jane hosted a ballot where we decided on the ad will be filming and editing when we go to Handstand productions studio.

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