Saturday 7 September 2019

photoshop process

The original images that I took.
International A4
Added background and text

Added image

I used Photoshop to create a lynx gold ad. Photoshop is an easy to use programmes which has asy to use software which is both good for beginners and professionals.
I opened the page on international A4 paper portrait.
For the images and the LYNX text i used the magnetic lasso tool which allowed me to separate the image from the rest of the picture.
I used the paint bucket to add the black background and used the gradient tool in the golden square in the background to fade from gold to black. This square also required the lass to get the shape of the gold logo( the indent in the bottom left corner).
For the text I added effects like satin and inner glow to make the text stand out from the background as they have a similar colour.

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