Wednesday 20 November 2019

Unit 3

Unit 3: Create a media product.


LO1: Be able to create a proposal with sample materials for an original media product to a client brief

LO2: Be able to plan and develop pre-production materials for an original media product to a client brief

LO3: Be able to create production materials for an original media product to a client brief

LO4: Be able to carry out post-production techniques and processes for an original media product to a client brief

Thursday 12 September 2019

Scary stories to tell in the dark- review

Image result for scary stories to tell in the dark

The movie takes place in 1960/70s America during Halloween; the main group of friends uncover the haunted book owned by haunted Sarah Bellows. The book starts adding new scary stories which come true. The main dilemma comes from trying to stop the stories and to try and save those who have been doomed by the tales written. Yet this movie seems grounded even with the darker and odder story with references to Nixon and the war.

Visual variety- the horror scenes take place in varied places, unlike other horror movies which feature one place where the scares take place, this movie has multiple settings. A haunted far at night, a school, a hospital, a police  station and a haunted house. These settings emphasise tension and never lose the scares unlike some movies. The production design is outstanding for this movie based on the books of the same name, the monster are very well realised from the illustrations from the books.

The actors in this movie are overall good- each bring a surprisingly good job to such little roles. Yet for some characters this comes at a cost as the main character seems to be written more at the cost of other characters. Yet this isn't the only acting in the movie with a physical performance of the Jangly man (the same performer who played Baba Yaga in Hellboy 2019). His lurking presence and constant twisting adds a sense of unease to an already scary character.
Image result for the jangly man
Image result for harold scary stories
The movies use of camera shots are particularly effective in delivering the scares; my personal favourite uses of camera shots comes with the toe-less corpse under the bed. he camera mostly switches between two shots a POV which is used to significantly add tension and a close up of the character hiding under the bed which shows the horror as we know something isn't right ( the character just realizing the situation he is in).

Though this movie draws many similarities to Goosebumps- the movie at times does seem to have a lacklustre story with many lines being very typical of the horror genre. The movie like the books are unsuitable for children with many graphic scenes (the movie definitely deserves its 15 rating with many horror filled, tense scenes and truly disgusting visuals).

I would recommend this movie for those who are just starting to get in horror, similar to the books. The visuals and scares will definitely live up to the title of the movie. This surprise success of this movie has hopefully introduced people to the horror genre- a more adult Goosebumps.

Saturday 7 September 2019

photoshop process

The original images that I took.
International A4
Added background and text

Added image

I used Photoshop to create a lynx gold ad. Photoshop is an easy to use programmes which has asy to use software which is both good for beginners and professionals.
I opened the page on international A4 paper portrait.
For the images and the LYNX text i used the magnetic lasso tool which allowed me to separate the image from the rest of the picture.
I used the paint bucket to add the black background and used the gradient tool in the golden square in the background to fade from gold to black. This square also required the lass to get the shape of the gold logo( the indent in the bottom left corner).
For the text I added effects like satin and inner glow to make the text stand out from the background as they have a similar colour.

Thursday 5 September 2019

Summer project

Lynx Gold print newspaper ad plan
Lynx is a grooming brand aimed for a young male audience from 16 to 32 years old. Lynx is an international brand and well known across the world (either as Lynx or Axe). Lynx gold has the fragrance of oud wood and dark vanilla which stays with you all day. 

The ad will be similar to other deodorant ads with the bottle (shampoo and deodorant) in the centre of the page. Gold will be the main colour featured heavily in the background- same colour as the gold on the branding. The gold square on the bottle will be present. The Lynx gold title will be on the top of the page above the featured deodorant and shampoo. Lynx will be black and white and gold will be black and gold (same colour as the branding). The slogan will be based around gold “for a golden experience”. This plays upon gold connoting winning or being number one. 

This project will require only one person for editing and taking photos of the products.  

Resources required: 
  •  Digital camera (iPhone) 
  • Computer with editing software (photoshop) 
  • Props (shampoo and deodorant) 

The advert will feature in the Metro as the Metro is a nationwide newspaper which is available for free on public transport (buses, trains, etc...) This means the ad has greater reach as anyone can pick up the paper and see the ad. This also widens the readership- young and old read the paper as it is free. 

Metro readership: 




The metro will increase the target audience of the lynx ad as it consumed by a lot of people in ranging age groups. However lynx does target a younger demographic; the older readership of the newspaper may buy it for themselves or their children.  

The costings for the ad will be cheap (around £10) as all that is required is the two props- the shampoo and the deodorant. 

Poster design

Monday 8 July 2019

Day at Handstand Productions (4/7/2019)

We met near the Everyman Theatre, which is close to the building Handstand Productions works in. After waiting for everyone, we entered the building which hosts a myriad businesses. Handstand Productions was located on the first floor (along with other businesses). The room consisted of multiple offices for thee different businesses and a main room with table and chairs, toilet and basic kitchen appliances- the day was spent in the communal area (main room).

Once we entered and sat down we went through what we had brought in (wrappers); our group didn't bring in a large amount of wrappers for the project, fortunately Handstand was prepared as they purchased a large selection box through Cadbury's. Jane also had a lot of wrappers from her family. Then we went through the script which listed he wrappers needed; we went through the changes made to the script form Handstand. The changes were at the start and end- which  helped carry a plot throughout the ad- the idea that everyone has a favourite chocolate. The changed ending posed a question to the audience asking them what was their favourite bar.

After this we split of into two groups with Han and Jane leading- they went through the basics of a camera crew (similar to the first day, however this was less in-depth as we had already learned about this on the first day). Each person had an individual role: cameraman, director, clapper, boom and sound check; the basics of a camera crew.

Next we went back from the groups to focus on the one project (the Cadbury's ad), the room was set for filming as one of the walls had a green screen and on the floor was a pile of boxes with a purple sheet covering- similar purple colour to the Cadbury's Dairy Milk purple. Our group then started to film the scene of the wrappers falling- this took 17 takes* (this took from the start of the day to the end of lunch). Five people took the basic camera crew roles, two people dropped the wrappers into the shot, a voice over and the rest acted as directors/commentators or using a secondary camera which was used to film the filming (for Handstand to use). The scene didn't feature the speed up as this will be done in editing. Everyone throughout the day swapped roles so that we had experienced everything at least once.

*It took 17 takes of the scene as the wrappers, which are the main feature of the ad, kept falling out of shot or turning over which meant the logo couldn't be seen. As a contingency Handstand had multiple wrappers so stuck wrappers together so that the logo could always be seen no matter if the bar turn over when entering the scene.

After lunch which was located in the restaurant below Handstand- The Pen Factory- we returned upstairs to film another scene where hands were present in the scene rather than the wrappers being dropped. This took 10 takes* and featured 4 hands rather than 2. The scene was meant to be similar to people placing their favourite bars into a pile though we decided to make it look like playing cards.

*This took 10 takes as the logos weren't facing the camera and the pile effect kept failing- instead of making the scene look full the chocolate wrappers were only in one area (not the desired effect). 

We finished filming and moved around the the table were we concluded the day and talked about what will happen in the next session- editing and voice over.